Mr. Tire places to go. people to see.

Preventative care will take you anywhere.

Our people got to these locations because of Mr. Tire.

Our “Mr. Save the day” scenarios include not only the unique people, but the unique places they got to visit - because of the preventative car care provided by Mr. Tire.

Made it all this way, thanks to “Mr. got me show boating again with new tires”...
Strange, weird and bizarre attractions people visit... like the world's largest ball of twine...
celebrate the strange collections. visit the weird museums and unique conventions
bride/groomsmen late to wedding... funny looking, unique & odd people

Initial ideas on certain demo groups that are unique and different.

  • Barbershop Quartet Convention - four guys singing in car
  • Reptile Keepers Convention - truck full of reptiles
  • Polka-Palooza - loading up Tubas, etc.
  • Organization of Tall People - tall couple getting into car
  • American Mustache Convention

In every scenario, one lead character would deliver the lines to the camera.

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