Wentworth Cheswell The biracial man who changed the revolution

What was the point of your life? I think I was born to show the world that biracial men can fight. In my time, black men were supposed to support the british because they were anti-slavery. I think, because I fought, other men realised that they didn't have to be white to support the cause.

How do you think you will actually be remembered? To be honest, I don't necessarily care that I will be remembered, as long as I inspired other men of different races to support the Americans.

What do you consider your greatest success? People have always said that fighting in the Revolutionary War was their proudest accomplishment, but for me, it was riding alongside Paul Revere to warn the people of the British. It may not be the biggest thing I've done, but I am very proud I did it.

Would or could you have done things differently, if so how? I definitely wish that I helped fight for the Patriots, but also articulated the rights of slaves. So many Slaves fought for the Patriots, but in return, got almost nothing. Maybe if we told the Colonists we wanted something in return, It would be different.

Do you have any regrets? I think that one of my regrets was not helping free slaves, but other than that, I think I lived my fullest potential. I think embracing the fact to not have regrets helped me when I was fighting. If you don't do something, you could regret it for your whole life, but if you act, you will be content with what you did.

Do you have any words for people wanting to make a difference? Do not be afraid. Ever. If you are the only one fighting against evil. Be brave. Often people are afraid, but once they are given a push, they will prevail over all.

Your motto is "Have no regrets". Do you think that it could be applied to any situation? So many times people regret what they could've done. Don't be that person. I know so many people who never fought in the Revolution, and years later their regrets haunted them.

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