Sebastian Smith bim 1

January 5

how was your break and what did you do?

My break was boring as hell i didn't do much I mostly stayed home and played Skyrim. Skyrim is my new favorite game it takes up most of my gaming hours.i also went to see my brother that is locked up I was all emotional.I also got to spend time with my beautiful girlfriend!

January 6

What is the most trouble you have ever given your parents? What is the most enjoyment you have ever given them?

I think the most trouble i've given my mom is when i went to BOOT CAMP for fighting i was really DISOBEDIENT.The most enjoyment was recently when we went to go see MY brother who is in jail on a capital MURDER charge we were all bonding and we HAVEN'T seen him in a long time so it was good for all of us me and him DONt get along to well but now that he is gone and so far away we try our best for our mother!

January 10

Does writing help you express your feelings?

I really don't like to talk about my feeling i feel like it makes me more vonarable but yes WRITING does help express my FEELING LITERAL and Illiterate i love to write it is my favorite thing i wanna write a book some day.

January 12

What dream can you conceive? Can you believe it? Can you achieve it?

WRITING a book i my dream i believe all things are possible through crist. yes i do believe i can ACHIEVE this goal before i die.

how do you tell if you like someone?

to be honest i don't have much to say except to just follow your heart but don't be dumb. i think i'm in love but i'm dumb


What do you love most about yourself? What do others love about you?

i love me because i'm me.other people say they like how respectful i am

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