Art Recreation For the Youth Find your creative side!

Creativity is something many people look beyond. It is something inside all of us just waiting to surface. Many activities can bring out your creativity but nothing brings out your creativity like art does. Art comes in so many forms; it is dance, music, painting, poetry- the list goes on. Many kids at a young age enjoy art because it is a way to express oneself. It is a time where they can use their imagination to create whatever they feel. A time where they can show a part of themselves that sometimes is never seen. Without art there would be a lot less happy people and I am thankful that recreation centers around the city offer such an amazing activity and experience for people to enjoy.


why am interested?

I am personally interested in art recreation for the youth because art is my favorite pastime. I also enjoying working with the youth. We all know that It can be very challenging but beyond that it is very rewarding. Art makes people feel free- I feel free when doing art. I Dance, I paint, I write, and those are all forms of art that make me feel good. Art is subjective. With art you make what you want of it. It can be nothing or something. The great thing about it is that I get to choose. Art recreation has made a huge impact on my life as a youth. It still continues to do so. It is great to see kids enjoying art the same way I do and to be a part of that is special. With art making a positive impact on the lives of young individuals it will lead to making a positive impact on the community.

what I want to learn?

I want to learn why there are specific types of art at certain types of recreation centers. I also hope to learn why people don't take advantage of art recreation and how to get more kids and parents involved with it. I hope to learn that there will be more positions open for leaders in this field of work.
performing art
With the information I gather I hope to share it with the community that is unaware or not that interested. To hopefully get people involved. I know a lot of families don't know about art recreation and how there are opportunities to be part of it even if you don't have the money. Doing this will make a positive impact on the children's lives, as well as the parents.

Visual Art!

for more info visit


Created with images by super devoika - "picture 432" • pido67 - "blue pflanzenrest isolated" • Unsplash - "microphone boy studio" • Arturo Espinosa - "287/11 - Rio. Sta. Fé de Montseny Barcelona." • @BK - "Dancing doll" • stokpic - "hands world map"

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