Sojourner Truth

" If women want any rights more than they's got,why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it." - Sojourner Truth

Significant Contributions

Sojourner was the first African American women to speak out against slavery.

She was also one of the first people to ever go up against a white man in court and win.

Truth was a prominent abolitionist and a women's rights activist.

Sojourner fought a won to be able to ride streetcars in Washington with the whites.

Truth was also well known for going all around the west giving speeches about her experience as a slave and her eventual freedom. Her most famous speech was "Ain't I a Women."

Time Period- She was born in Rifton, Newyork in 1797. Sojourner lived in many different places such as Battle Creek, Michigan, Northampton, Massachusetts, and Ohio. She died on November 26,1883 in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Time Line

1797- She was born in 1797 in New York with the name Isabella Baumfree.

1806- Truth was sold to her second slave owner John Neely at the age of 9 because her first one died.

1815- She falls in love with a slave named Robert but his owner will not allow it because he didn't want her to have children he couldn't own.

1817- Thomas Dumnot her owner forces her to marry a man named Thomas and they have 5 children together.

1826- She escapes her owner with her daughter Isabella and gets her son Peter back.

1828- Truth moves to New York City with her son Peter and she earns a living as a maid.

June 1,1843- She changes her name to Sojourner Truth.

1846- She becomes an abolitionist.

1850- Her narrative " The Narrative of Sojourner Truth" is published.

October 1851- She gives her famous speech "Ain't I a Women."

November 26, 1883- Dies in Michigan because of an infection from sores tha where on her legs.

Personal Qualities- She has a quiet strength, was an excellent speaker, campaigned for equality and justice, wanted to help people, never gave up, never took no as an answer, and she wasn't ever afraid to show her power.
Obstacles Faced-Sojourner was sold in the Americas as a slave and she was also born into slavery. She faced abuse and mistreatment all throughout her entire childhood. Truth had many challenges facing prejudice and the hatred of racism. Sojourner wasn't allowed to marry the man she fell in love with so her owner made her marry a knew man.

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