CATS Cats choose us; we don't own them

I have never owned a cat, never really like cats. One day, a black cat came to my house, and the cat never went away.
The cat seems to have a liking for me. I named the cat Midnight as her fur is as black as a moonless night. Soon after Midnight gave birth to a litter of 3 kittens.
Owl face, Tabby Moe and Flame are their names. They've all been with me since, all 4 cats.
It has been 7 years now and in cat's years they are now about 44 years old and it is during this time our age right about match. I feel tired as they feel tired and we enjoy taking naps together.
They're not lazy, they are in their mid-life now, just as a human, you may get tired easily, or bones began to creak, just need more rest than before.
My daughter, Hanna has eczema. Her eczema has gotten worst recently and I took her to get a skin text.
Results shows she is very allergic to Felis Domesticus, with a score of 10. And what is Felis Domesticus? Yes it is cat! Hanna is very allergic to my cats! This news is just plain awful to me.
Created By
enna ayub

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