Virginia University of Vriginia

University of Virginia

This university Of Virginia also known as UVa is located in Charlottesville an small town in Virginia state .It has been created by Thomas Jefferson 1743 -1826 the third president of the United Stated ,the principal author of the declaration of the independence,and recognised as an American Founder Father .


Monticello located in Albermale Charlottesville was the home of Thomas, built and design buy its own , between 1769 and 1806 .Its home was built in a "little Mountain " thats why it is called Monticello.More than one hundred enslaved African Americans and paid labourers, were the ones who supported the cultivation of the plantation and the care of the entire home.The architecture of this place ,is very peculiar, as it exposes a very practical and symbolic feeling and at the same time it reflects the private country gentleman´s and the plantation of the social structure.


Thomas created a nation based in individual freedom and self government.He had slaves at home however he really fight for "Life,Liberty ,and the pursuit of happiness .By this time it was something really common to own slaves .It took 87 years ,13th amendment , Emancipation Proclamation and to end slavery

Enslaved African Americans

The rotunda

This monument was designed by Thomas and it is recognised as the architectural and academic heart of the University’s community for the scholars.He named the University’s original buildings the “Academical Village.” The Academical campus is based on the Jefferson principle that says :

"Learning is a lifelong process, and that interaction between faculty and students is vital to the pursuit of knowledge."

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