Happy life home

I want a normal house with some gadgets. I would like that my entrance door locked when it detects that nobody is in the house. In the living room, I would like to have a voice detector for the television. In the kitchen, I want to have a coffee maker who will start every morning. A dishwasher which start every evening automatically. And a microwave who would detects how much time it's taken the food to warm up. For the dinning room, I wish I would have a robot who cleans the table automatically when I finished to eat. For my bedroom, I wish I have a light who when you clap your hands the light turn on or off. After, I would like to have a automatic bedding. I would also like to have a storage for my makeup and hair product. In my walk-in, I want stand who turns to have more place for the clothes. And music who start every time I enter in my walk-in. In my bathroom, I want a shower pole with speaker in it, so that I can hear music when I take a shower. In my personal gym, I would like that my equipment training tell me if I loose weight and tell me how many I loose just after my training. In all the room, I would like a robot vacuum who is silent.

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