Business Service Assistants - SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TIPS

TIP# 1: Be unique and stay true to yourself.

People love to connect a with real person and to know your unique story.

Upload your best content

Upload other peoples content

TIP# 2: Video is what’s happening.

Everybody has a device that can record video in high quality

Do not make video to long

Have content that is relevant to why they came to your site

Stay on topic

Tell your story, show off your expertise and show why you love to do what your doing

Practise your video storytelling

Have a reasonably high quality video

Stay connected with your audience

Feel the customer's concerns and wants

Be authentic and answer questions

Your phone is enough..just show your passion as an expert in your field

The customer has to feel a connection to make them want to by from you

Have a good vibe. If you can’t do it get someone that can.

Stream live. Schedule a time that you can stream a live live. Let customer know you are live.

People want to see behind the scenes

When it is live. People do not expect high quality

You have the same ability to win in live video as the big brands.

All you need is a selfy stick

TIP# 3: Mobile-first will WIN

Have a website that is mobile friendly

Look at your analytics and see where your traffic is coming from

Mobile is taking up a great chunk of your visitors

When doing your next website or post think mobile first

Without mobile your website will look like crap and customer will not be able to find your information.

TIP# 4: Advertising cost will continue to rise

Facebook ads

Google ads

Bigger brands are still spending money on TV and Radio but that is changing

Cost will go up as bigger brands start shifting their focus to social media

Specify a target audience through SWOT and other marketing analysis

Be creative about how you advertise and get your brand out there.

TIP# 5: Influencer marketing will explode

Getting people with large following to endorse your service our product

Demand is low right now so capitalize on it before the bigger brands start getting their attention

Who/What are the top ten influence's that my audience cares about.

How can I get them to work with, talk about or use my product or service.

Sometimes you have to give up some creative control to somebody who is making it in the industry a knows their own audience. A good partner can point you in a direction you would not have thought about.

TIP# 6: Content will grow

Internet context is exploding

Everyone is recording everything these days and posting it online

Content supply is out of control. Everyone is posting to social media channels

You need to find a way to stand out

Anytime there is a ton of quantity, it is the quality that will stand out

Find your content with your angle or niche

Start by posting something at least once a week, then increase over time to daily content

Post content when your customers are active.

Share Stories of the people working with you, your customer stories, why you started this business, what gets you excited. Share your expertise, your thoughts on the industry and where it is going. Question people have asked, from your audience asking you to make a video. Could be what your customers are asking everyday as you are working with them. Turn this into video or written content for your channels to start to stand out.

Think about the sawdust that you never share in your business. This you take for granted.

Show the audience what you are doing to create that product our service or even the code behind how you created your website.

Show people the day-to-day stuff. Make it authentic.

Do blog, storytelling, Q&A. D it regularly so people will stay tuned.

TIP# 7: Data nerds are going to reign

Have passion, excitement and fire as the founder.

Understanding how to hack the channel algorithms.

Search optimizing with various web tools

Place facebook and other social media ads

Generate a Return on Investment

Dive into the technology and go to conferences and researching, watching videos and pay attention to get better constantly

You have to stay on top because everything is constantly changing every six months or so.

You either have to be that person or you need that person on your team

You need to understand the data analytics

S T E P # 1 : Clients and Partners

A few ways to find your ideal clients online:

#1: Ask your current clients where they hang out online.

#2: Put your detective hat on and do some research. Where are your competitors active?

#3: Look for potential partners that service aligned audiences. Ex. You are a realtor so you might be looking for interior designers in your area who have established followings.

Hint: Pay attention to what your competitors and aligned partners are doing

right and wrong on social media. Take note of where they are active and whether or not they are thriving there.

Need more resources or help getting this all done? Contact BSA at

Great, you did your research. Now let's get it down on paper.

On which social networks are your ideal clients hanging out on?

Write down your notes:

S T E P # 2 : Challenges & Competitors

Answer these questions about your ideal client.

#1: What is their biggest challenge as it pertains to my products, programs or services?

#2: What is their ideal solution to overcome those challenges?

#3: How can my business solve that problem?

#4: What topics about my industry are they interested in learning more about?

#5: How are they using social media?

#6: What other social media pages and blogs do they follow?

Time to put your detective hat on. Use this worksheet to list your competitors and other businesses who serve your same target market.

Remember that you can utilize the Google search engine to type in keywords related to your industry, products or services or use social media to search for other providers who service your ideal clients.

NOTE: You only need to list 5-10 competitors or businesses with aligned audiences in order to collect enough data.

S T E P # 3 : All about your Goals


It all starts with picking your BIG picture goal. Your obvious goal is to get more leads and make more sales. Why are you are on social media in the first place?

**Tip: Start small and keep it realistic. Remember, you can always revisit your goal after 30 days and aim higher.

My big picture goal is…

Outlining Your Short-Term Goals….

Short-term goals will always lead to your big picture goal and they usually fall into one of these four different categories.

- More Followers

- More Traffic

- More Email Subscribers

- More Sales

Each of these goals leads to the next, so it’s important that you also set a realistic time frame to reach each of the goals you outline.

Goal #1: Grow my followers from__________ to ___________.

Goal #2: Drive more traffic from social media. My current traffic is _____________ and I want to get to _________________.

Goal #3: Grow my email list from _________ subscribers to ___________.

Goal #4: Drive more sales. My sales goals from social media for the next 30 days are _________.

Awesome! You are on your way creating actionable and measurable goals that stick.

Next up, let's break those goals into tiny daily, weekly and monthly tasks that can help break down this process for you.

In the next page, you'll find an example of how I fill up my own Tactical Plan worksheet just to give you a better idea of how it all works.

S T E P #4 : Differentiate your brand

So now that you completed your research and checked out your competitors + other

businesses with aligned audiences, it's time to determine how you will stand out.

What makes YOUR brand different?

How are you going to communicate your message in a powerful way and STAND OUT?

List three things your competitors are doing right.

List three things your competitors are not doing right.

How will YOU stand out?

S T E P #5 : The tactical plan

'' If we fail to plan ,we plan to fail. After all, a goal without a plan is just a wish.''


Grow my email list


Fan base growth/ Engagement


Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter

Always reply to comments & messages


Post content that is relavent


Track links to lead magnets

Experiment with different posts to test for better communications


Review analytical data. Plan out & schedule content for the next month & revise lead magnets. Draft ideas for new lead magnets. Revise website pop ups and optimize them. Track email subscribers coming from social media & draft a plan to better conversions & communications.

S T E P #6 : Organize Content

Use this worksheet to plan out your social media content and organize your social media schedule.

Remember the strategy here is to simply group similar social media posts into categories so you know exactly what you will be posting and when.



Business Service Assistants - SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING TIPS

Created By
David Collins


Created with images by Unsplash - "tie necktie adjust"

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