Mars By:cheyenne stokes

This is mars. This planet is part of the 4 rocky planets.The four rocky planets are located near the sun because they are the first four planets.

This video is about NASA circling Mars to get more info on that planet.

This is a photo of a rover. Rovers are a robot that has a camera in it that scientists look at sence they can't go to Mars themselves they send a rover to do all the work on Mars for them.

But scientists say that there might be life on Mars.

This is a video has proven life on Mars is real!

This a photo of Earth

Did you know that Mars used to look like our planet Earth millions of years ago.

But as time went on it just changed. It is because of the conditions of the planet that changed it.

This planet used to have land with grass and clay. But now just rock.

There even used to be water there too.


Created with images by upsidedown astronomer - "Mars from last night" • skeeze - "world earth planet" • s58y - "Mars" • Moyan_Brenn - "Mars" • pazzetonandi0 - "mar waves rocks"

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