
Sol The sun

Sunday Sunflower

el sol es la mejor la medicina

The sun is the best medicine

You can't go wrong looking at the bright side

Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you - Walt Whitman

High Key

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom - Marcel Proust

Advice from Sunflower: Be bright, sunny and positive. Spread seeds of happiness. Rise, shine and hold your head high.

I am working with the enthusiasm of a man from Marseilles eating bouillabaisse, which shouldn't come as a surprise to you because I am busy painting huge sunflowers. ― Vincent Van Gogh

The Heart Leaf
High Key - backlit

The road to freedom is bordered with sunflowers. - Martin Firrell

On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will have a solar eclipse. The Moon will cover at least part of the Sun for 2 to 3 hours. Halfway through, anyone within a narrow path from Oregon to South Carolina will experience a brief total eclipse. The Moon will completely block the Sun’s bright face for up to 2 minutes 40 seconds. Day will turn into night, and (weather permitting) one of nature’s most awesome sights will become visible: the Sun’s diaphanous outer atmosphere, or corona. This website is your guide to the event: https://eclipse.aas.org/
Ready for the sun
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine." - Henry Ward Beecher
The shy one

The sunflower is a favorite emblem of constancy. - Thomas Bulfinch

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Created By
Raj Manickam


Raj Manickam