Finally Over The end of segregation

John F. Kennedy was responsible for July 2, 1964 because he was tired of seeing people being treated differently.

He was assassinated in November of 1963

Each year from 1945 until 1957 congress tried to get the bill passed but it failed to pass a civil rights bill.

Because of him black people was finally allowed to go to public schools and go swimming in public pools, weren't denied the right to work where white people worked

It took a long time to finally pass the bill because a member of the Ku Klux Klan talked for 14 hours about why they shouldn't pass this bill. That's another reason why it was important to get the bill passed so that even though racist people spoke and tried there hardest the bill still got passed.

This is what the Klu Klux Klan look like.

"In so many ways, segregation shaped me, and education liberated me." Maya Angelou

I think this means that without segregation she would not be who she was today

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If this day never happened many of African American people and Women would not be doing the things they are doing today. That's why this was a very important moment in time.


Created with images by dbking - "299_9923" • Kheel Center, Cornell University Library - "John F. Kennedy and David Dubinsky talking, April 20, 1963" • Image Editor - "16KKKwCross-burning"

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