Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports Benefits the Athletes, the fans, and the Owners
The Beginning of the Controversy
Crack! That simple sound echoing through the stadium grabbed the attention of nearly forty seven thousand fans as they all started to stand-up off their seats in the anticipation of witnessing history. Mark McGwire had just taken a powerful swing at a pitch and launched it three hundred and seventy feet down the left field line; setting the new home run record for a single season to an astonishing 70 HR’s. A record that still holds to this day. In that season alone sales for the Cardinal’s Franchise (Mark McGwire’s team at the time) skyrocketed. Memorabilia, Cardinal merchandise, and McGwire jerseys were at a high demand and were sold out in most stores. It was one of the most profitable seasons in Major League Baseball’s history. McGwire’s personal performance that year created and offered new life to the game that thousands of fans had been craving for. Although he changed the game for forever and was one of the greatest players to ever take the field; he will never be accepted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. McGwire was tried and accused of taking performance enhancing drugs throughout his career. He tested positive for steroids, HGH (Human Growth Hormone), and testosterone enhancers, which at that time were all illegal in the MLB. Even though those drugs are still illegal to this day, the reputation of professional athletes using performance enhancing substances is not nearly as substandard as it was before. Professional sports are evolving and everyday athletes are looking for the next advanced supplement or training program to implement, to take their game to levels the human eye has never seen. Mark McGwire was just ahead of his time, and unfortunately was severely penalized and demeaned for using a drug that is a household term today. Situations like this should never happen in a professional sport. So after decades of unfounded accusations and controversy professional athletes should be granted the privilege to utilize the benefits of taking performance enhancing drugs.
Extreme Punishment for Minor Actions
McGwire was not the only one, many professional athletes in multiple sports have been suspended, fined, and even banned from their sport forever. One of the most current and popular cases is seven time Tour De France winner Lance Armstrong. Who was stripped of his seven titles, dropped by his endorsers, and banned from professional cycling for life. Extreme punishments for such minor actions need to end. Professional athletes like Jose Canseco who played seventeen years in the MLB and is regarded to be one of the best power hitters whoever lived, Roger Clemens who is one of the greatest pitchers in history, and current all-star third baseman for the New York Yankees Alex Rodriguez will never see their name go down in the Hall of Fame. Even though they put in the time and effort along with making the many necessary sacrifices that every other athlete did. Instead, they were stripped of their accomplishments, trophies, titles, and will serve a life-time ban from the Baseball Hall of Fame (Canseco). Although these punishments are harsh, there is some truth and logic behind them.
Medical Supervision is a Must
Athletes that use performance enhancing drugs will see many improvements in their strength, speed, stamina, and overall production. But that does not mean there is not any physical consequences for using these substances. Steroids can have long term health effects on the body if abused and not monitored by a qualified licensed practitioner (Balko). Steroids are serious, they are just like any other drug. There is a correct dosage and incorrect dosage. That is why, Radley Balko emphasizes,”Athletes suffer adverse side effects because they use them with little knowledge and guide from their doctors”. If athletes could have medical supervision while on the substances the negative health effects of these drugs would more than likely disappear.
A Misunderstanding Equals a False Image
The reason people deteste performance enhancing drugs in professional sports is because they believe the athlete is choosing to harm and permanently damage his body for a couple years of fame. Which to them is unethical. They do not realize that if steroids are properly used the athlete’s overall health will increase. They will have strong fit bodies well into their sixties and will be able to avoid and prevent many minor and even career ending injuries while they are playing (Canseco). That is why Gary Cartwright believes,”Steroids should be controlled, not banned.” He also goes on to conclude,”Not all steroids are dangerous and that every individual and every situation cannot be addressed with the same set of rigid rules. Instead of banning steroids, we should control them.” Performance enhancers are not just a simple over the counter take once a day drug though. They have to be regulated while your body is being monitored by qualified doctors. “In no way, shape, or form, do I endorse the use of steroids without proper medical advice and thorough expert supervision.” exclaims Jose Canseco. With the strict rules in place, by the professional sport organizations, banning the use of performance enhancing drugs within its athletes; it is hard for athletes to obtain the necessary medical supervision they need while using these drugs. So if we controlled, instead of just banning the use of performance enhancing drugs, it would but an end to the misuse of these substances. Leaving only the positive effects of these drugs for both the athletes and fans to benefit from.
The Pros Outweigh the Cons
Since day one athletes have pushed the limits of mankind. That is the sole purpose behind professional sports. Your average person can not perform or execute the everyday tasks of a professional athlete on a day-to-day basis. That is why people watch sports, they are amazed at the sheer athleticism and power these athletes demonstrate. Spectators want to see exciting games and be entertained by superstar athletes (Canseco). So if you give the fans what they desire the ball club owners and organizations will generate a bigger profit, universally benefitting the sport overall. It is in human nature to want to improve and evolve, even more so in athletes. If a drug can make someone a better athlete, than athletes should have the freedom to make that choice. “Ingenuity, innovation, and knowledge about what makes us faster and stronger (and avoiding what might do more harm than good) has always been a part of the game.” suggest Radley Balko. So if performance enhancing drugs make athletes better they should be given the personal choice to take them. Instead of being told that if they use these drugs there will be serious consequences. “We’re talking about the future here. I have no doubt whatsoever that intelligent, informed use of steroids, will one day be so accepted that everybody will be doing it.” states Jose Canseco. So is that time now? Professional sports are becoming more advanced than ever before. Not only benefiting athletes but sporting organizations, ball club owners, and fans as well would benefit substantially Athletes are reaching their full potential earlier and increasing the difficulty of becoming an “average” athlete more and more each year. So if we controlled and regulated steroids we would be originating a level of athlete the world has never seen. (Cartwright). With that being said, since there are little to zero negative side effects there is no reason professional athletes should not be given the opportunity to use steroids.
The Future of Professional Sports
It is time to take the next step in the inevitable progression of professional sports, by ameliorating the fallacious reputation of performance enhancing substances. Sports are evolving, which means the athletes are as well. Fans want to see miraculous performances and jaw dropping athleticism, and will pay a bunch of money to experience history first hand. Which will benefit the sporting organizations and owners considerably. So with professional sports plateauing it may be time to head in the other direction: legalize performance enhancing drugs. Not only would the playing field suddenly be even for all players but it would be at a higher level (“Why It’s TIme”).
Work Cited
“10 Reasons Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legal.” Listland. Top 10 Lists |, 21 Jan. 2015. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
Baker, Trent. “ESPN’s Will Cain: Legalize Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports.” Breitbart Sports. Breitbart, 29 Dec. 2015. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
Balko, Radley. Performance-Enhancing Drugs (issues That Concern You). Ed. Tamara L Roleff. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press, 12 Feb. 2010. Print.
Canseco, Jose. Performance-Enhancing Drugs (issues That Concern You). Ed. Tamara L Roleff. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press, 12 Feb. 2010. Print.
Cartwright, Gary. Performance-Enhancing Drugs. Ed. Tamara L Roleff. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press, 12 Feb. 2010. Print.
Kessler, Andrew. “Baseball and Steroids: A Substance Abuse Perspective.” Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly (19 Aug. 2013): n.pag. Print.
“Steroids in Sports Are Unethical, Give Athletes Unfair Advantage.” USA Today (n.d.): 1–2. Print. 1 Mar. 2016.
“Why It’s Time to Legalize Steroids in Professional Sports.” ForbesForbes, 24 Aug. 2012. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.