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There are many roles that can be played by a CO-OP student. The most important of all getting the drugs, files, and prescriptions organized and neat. Multitasking is also a core skill in this position. Another task as a Pharmacy Assistant is filling prescriptions and counting the pills. Accuracy and speed are also major requirements for this type of career.

Ricardo Deluca Owner of my placment

In order two have a successful and beneficial environment as a Pharmacist Assistant, it is necessary to maintain a professional picture while working. Professional picture does not only include how you look, but the fact that that you act professional. Being on-time, organized, and ready to work are the most important steps you need to take to present yourself more professional. Being organized and neat, builds a very good impression on your Supervisors mind, which can lead to a promotion or a great reference and also good networking.

The next tip that you should have in mind is practicing. As I mentioned before, accuracy and speed are highly significant when it comes to filling prescriptions. Counting over a thousand pills every day can be frustrating especially when it has to be double counted due to low accuracy. The faster and more accurate you get it makes you a better Pharmacy Assistant.

The main challenge that I face during my Co-op program was managing my time and being organized. Managing time between senior year of high school, part-time job, co-op and after school programs was a tough challenge. In order to manage my time, I had to make my par-time job hours more flexible and take some days off of work to avoid interfering with my co-op placement hours. Also thinking of priorities and whats best for me was very helpful to overcome this challenge.

Overall, co-op is a choice that i absolutely am not going to regret when i look back. Thanks to the kind pharmacy team and the strict supervisor I developed many skills that just made me a better trainee and student. Skills that i learned from the pharmacy placement will always be useful toward my future career. Therefore I suggest co-op program to anyone who is facing challenges in choosing their future path

Created By
Khashayar Khasheeipour

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