Macy's Inc. Group 1

Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement:

Macy's is committed to providing an exciting and interactive purchasing experience for customers. Macy's aims to reach all who could benefit from their products and services through physical and online sales including Bloomingdale's and Bluemercury. At Macy's, customer service and timeliness is key and we take pride in giving our customers the best experience possible.

Mission Statement:

Our priority is to offer the best deal for shipping to our online purchasers. Macy´s strives to reach as many customers worldwide and to do so with integrity and leaving a lasting impact.

Internal Assessment



External Assessment




7% additional retrenchment, close 50 more stores

Improve E-Commerce by providing free 2-day shipping for domestic orders

Financial Analysis


Created with images by Saucy Salad - "Macy's" • Unsplash - "clothes rail shirts clothing" • Alan Light - "Macy's, Chicago" • mbona - "architecture saragossa caixaforum"

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