Intro to Art Valya krumbach

I decided to take the class Intro to Art because I have always been fascinated by the variety of ways to "do art". I also have not taken an art class since middle school so I thought ending the year with an art class would be calming. I definitely thought the class was going to be a joyful period but in fact it turned into trying to be perfect At every piece and getting frustrated at times. Overall, I would say this class has been one to look forward to every morning and I would definitely recommend it to future students.

This is an example of the first drawing strategy "edges and Contours". It demonstrates the edges of objects and shows how lights reflects off of something. One is able to visibly see where the light reflects off of the jars and where the shadows are located.
This is an example of the second drawing stragety "Spaces" which includes negative and positive spaces. Negative spaces are the ones drawn in black and the positive spaces are the ones left white. The darker prices of this drawing is the area that is shadowed and the white is where the light is shining on. This drawing was definitely my favorite because I loved how it ended out and it was enjoyable to do.

This is an example of the third drawing stragety "Relations and Proportions". The hand was sketched by looking at my own hand and then putting that image onto paper. The goal was to make the hand and object look realistic. It would not have made sense if the hand was extra skinny and the white out in the palm being larger than my hand.

This is an example of the fourth drawing stragety "Lights and Shadows". I am not particularly proud of this drawing because it did not turn out the way I imagined. The goal was to cross-hatch the three objects which were two containers and than a pair. The pink is where the light is being reflected and the silver is where the light is extremely bright.

This drawing was one I performed on the very first day of into to art. I look back at it now and laugh because I had truly believed it was wonderful. But now, after learning the different techniques of art, I would not want to go back and continue doing art like this.

This is a drawing of myself I did three months after the very first sketch I did of myself. I am very proud of this piece because it looks similar to me and I spent quite some time on it.

This is a large drawing of my face done over a period of two weeks. It is an example of chiaroscuro which is the relationship between light and dark. We only drew one side of the face because that was the side where the light reflected off of my features.
This is a drawing I did of someone in my class. This was the first one we drew and I would say I am very proud because it came out well and it looks similar to the person I based it off of. The only feature I am not proud of is the nose because it came out larger than it is in life.
This is a second drawing that I did of someone else in my class. I personally prefer this one over the other one I drew because it looks even more similar to the girl sitting for me. I got the features better in this one and afterwards I was so proud I wanted to go out and sketch everyone I knew.

The time in art that I wish I could have gone back and redo would be the beginning. I did not take art seriously and all I wanted to do was get through the period. I did not realize how fun art could be until the second quarter of the class and I am glad I decided to take art my senior year.

I have definitely seen the most improvement in my portrait drawing skills. We learned how to add depth, light, reflections, and proportions. I have seen much improvement from the drawing I did on the first day of class compared to the most recent portrait we did. This is a portrait that I drew closer to the beginning of the year and again, I am laughing at it right now.

This is another drawing in which I did not take time to get into. I followed the steps and drew what I saw but never really got into the art. I have definitely seen the most improvement in shadow and proportions as seen in this image.

Intro To Art: 2016-2017

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