Famous Abolitionists Ashton Carlson

William Lloyd Garrison

William Lloyd Garrison: December 12th, 1805— May 24th, 1879
  • The Liberator (1831 anti-slavery newspaper) about the moral outrage of slavery
  • Very controversial, people either loved or hated him
  • The believed that slavery was immoral and that every American (black or white) was born with human rights, which deserved to be respected
  • 1832- Helped found the New England Anti-Slavery Society
  • 1833- Helped found the American Anti-Slavery Society
  • 1840- Schism of the American Anti-Slavery Society

Used moral persuasion to convince people that slavery was bad; his efforts were not in vain as he lived long enough to see the 13th ammendment go into the constitution and liberate all slaves

I am in earnest — I will not equivocate — I will not excuse — I will not retreat a single inch — AND I WILL BE HEARD,

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass: 1818— 1895
  • Born "Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey"
  • 1838– escaped slavery and fled to Baltimore, but he was sent back to the country and worked as a shave for a particularly brutal and cruel slave owner
  • Made an effort to educate himself and learned to read
  • Inspired by William Lloyd Garrison
  • 1845– published Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written By Himself
  • 1848– published the North Star, a four page weekly in Rochester, New York
  • 1851– called a meeting in Syracuse, New York where he told people how he thought they could use the constitution to fight against slavery
going to live at baltimore laid the foundation, and opened the gateway, to all my subsequent prosperity.

John Brown

  • 1851- helped to establish the League of Gileadites, which helped protect escaped slaves from slave catchers
  • 1855- moved to Kansas territory and became a leader of anti slavery guerillas
  • 1859- led an attack on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry
  • Tried and hanged for treason that same year

Used violence to free slaves, people were divided over his actions because he killed innocent civilians along with slaveowners. He felt the only way slavery would be abolished would be through bloodshed.

i john brown am now quite certain that the CriMes of this guilty, land: will never be purged away; but with blooD. I had as I now think: vainly flattere myself that without very mUch bloodshed; it might be done.

Sojourner Truth

  • Born 1791 a slave
  • 1827- New York State Legislature emancipated her, but her owners would not comply
  • 1843- she headed east to to "[exhort] the people to embrace Jesus, and refrain from sin."
  • She preached at camp meetings, and lived in a utopian community which transcended class, race, and gender distinctions.
  • 1851- gave her "Ain't I a Woman" speech at a women's rights convention in Ohio
  • Narrative of Sojourner Truth, written by amanuensis (Sojourner was illiterate)
  • She died 1883

She liked the idea of a colony for freed slaves I'm western America so they could become self supporting and reliant.

Nobody eveR heLps me into carriages, or mud puddles, or gives me any best place! And aren't i a woman?

Harriet Tubman

  • Born a slave in Maryland around 1820 as Araminta Ross, but later changed it to Harriet after her mother
  • 1849- she feared her and other slaves were going to be sold so she ran away by following the North Star at night and made it to Philadelphia
  • 1856- the reward for her capture was $40,000
  • Made the trip back to the south 19 times by 1960, to free other slaves
  • Became friends with other abolitionists and went to anti slavery meetings
  • Died in 1913
I had reasoned this out in my mInd, there was one of two things i had a right to, liberty or Death; if could not have one, i would have the other.

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