John Tyler Zach smith

Born and raised in virgina,born on march 29th 1790, and died January 19th 1840
John Tyler got his education from the university of William and mary
John Tyler served as vice president of the united states,govenor of Virgina,and senator of virgina.before he was president of the united states
John Tyler was the 10th president of the united states and served from 1941-1945
Making Florida a part of the union Signed Log Cabin Bill which let settlers claimed land before it was for sale and then buy it later. Making Texas a part of the United States He signed a tariff that helped protect northern manufacturers he thought state governments should have more power and the federal government less power.
He was nicknamed "His Accidency" because he was not elected president and his rivals said he got to be president by accident.


Created with images by Boston Public Library - "John Tyler. Born in Virginia March 29th, 1790. President from 1841 to 1845. Died January 17th 1862 aged 71 years. Compliments of Julius Saul, leading clothier, 324 & 326 River St., Troy. [front]" • Ron Cogswell - "The George Washington Equestrian Monument -- State Capitol Grounds Richmond (VA) 2012" • ell brown - "Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich - King William Court and Queen Mary Court - gate" • cliff1066™ - "John Tyler, Tenth President (1841-1845)" • edwarddallas - "John Tyler - 10th President" • Tony Fischer Photography - "John Tyler, 10th Union President, Confederate Congressman" • Tony Fischer Photography - "John Tyler, 1790-1862"

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