Florida museum of natural history by tayla regenbaum

nature on display

This display was especially unique to me because instead of teaching me about the natural world, I was able to realize that while we look at nature as something that just exists, there are real scientists studying that nature and helping us learn more about the world that we live in. This is important because in our modern, industrial society, we forget so easily to step outside and smell the roses. The natural world is always evolving and we have to keep up and stay informed in order to protect it.

nature and ethics

I particularly liked this section of the museum because it allowed me to realize that nature, though beautiful for the most part, can be cruel too, and that what once was, is no longer. Our world used to be inhabited by beasts that few animals today would measure up to in terms of size, strength, and ability. They used to roam the earth that we so easily destroy to build houses on, and seeing their skeleton and learning that they no longer exist, instilled a sense of fear in me. I have always felt like it is our obligation to protect the animals that belong on this Earth. We take our biotic environment for granted and literally "pave paradise to put up a parking lot". These beasts are just as much a part of this Earth as we are.

nature and the human spirit

The Florida Museum of Natural History's butterfly sanctuary is a perfect way of helping us step out of our ordinary lives and into the beauty of true nature. The hundreds of butterfly species that live in this sanctuary are majestic in a way that no one can imagine without being there. When we enter this sanctuary, built for butterflies to be protected and well taken care of, we realize that the world around us is truly a beautiful place if we just stop and take a look around for once. We see butterflies flying around in our ordinary lives, but not quite like this. This is an entirely different experience in which we are stepping into the world of the butterflies, rather than the butterfly being in our world. It gives you a new perspective on nature and really allows us to connect with a world that seems so far, but is truly all around us.

the end


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