Treaty of Versailles And the 14 points

The war officially ended on June 28, 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Made by the Allied powers with very little participation from Germany, the 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned the German boundary's. Germany also agreed to pay reparations under the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan but they where cancelled in 1932 due to WWII.Part one created the covenant of the League of Nations although Germany was not allowed to join until 1926. Part two stated Germany's new boundaries giving Upend-Malaya to Belgium, Alsace Lorraine back to France, substantial eastern districts to Poland, Memel to Lithuania and large portions of Schlesinger to Denmark. Part three Demilitarized and separated Saar from Germany for fifteen years. Part four stripped Germany of all its colonies. Along with all of the other treaties the Germans had to pay 33 billion dollars in fines.

The German did end up paying off the debt more than nine decades after the treaty was signed.

One result of the Revolution in Russia October 1917 was to force the Allies to issue statements of war aims. The Bolsheviks acted to discredit the previous treaty by publishing the contents of a number of secret treaties that revealed the imperialistic aims of some of the European powers. January 1918 British prime minister, David Lloyd George, and American president Woodrow Wilson issued public explanations of what they hoped to accomplish through a victory over the Central Powers.

Wilson got advice from his closest advisor, and a number of academics, who were known as "The Inquiry." The Fourteen Points were first presented in a speech before both houses of Congress and were intended to generate support for Wilson’s vision of an after war world Both at home and also among allies in Europe.

The president hoped that the promise of a great peace would be accepted by the public and also by the populations in enemy nations and generate momentum for ending the war. The first five of the Fourteen Points dealt with issues of broad international concern. The next eight points referred to specific territorial questions.

Please Watch these videos. They will give you a insight into what you need to know.

" 1- No secret alliances between countries

2- Freedom of seas in peace and war

3-Reduced trade barriers among nations

4-General reduction of armaments

5-Adjustment of colonial claims in the interest of inhabitants as well as the colonial powers

6- Evacuation of Russian territory and a welcome for its government to the society of nations

7- Restoration of Belgian territories in Germany

8- Evacuation of all French territory, including Alsace-Lorraine

9- Readjustment of Italian boundaries along clearly recognizable lines of nationality

10- Independence for various national groups in Austria-Hungary

11- Restoration of the Balkan nations and free access to the sea for Serbia

12- Protection for minorities in Turkey and the free passage of the ships of all nations through the Dardanelles

13- Independence for Poland, including access to the sea

14- Establishment of a League of Nations to protect, "mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small nations alike" "

Source: Boundless. “Wilson's Fourteen Points.” Boundless U.S. History Boundless, 20 Nov. 2016. Retrieved 16 Dec. 2016 from


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