
前英国间谍负责人声称冠状病毒从中国实验室逃逸 【中英对照翻译】


消息来源:BREITBART 《布雷特巴特》

简评:free dust




Former UK Spy Chief Claims Coronavirus Escaped from Chinese Lab


The former head of Britain’s foreign secret intelligence office, Sir Richard Dearlove, has claimed that coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory and escaped, quoting a study that found some elements of COVID-19 had been “inserted” and did not evolve naturally. He also suggested that the academic community suppressed the original paper because it was explicit in its blame of China.


AFP via Getty Images 新华社-盖蒂图片社

Scientists from around the world maintain that the virus originated in either bats or pangolins before spontaneously jumping to humans. However, the 75-year-old former spy chief referenced a Norwegian-British study that points to a man-made interference in the virus.


According a paper written by Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George’s Hospital, University of London, and Norwegian virologist Birger Sørensen seen by The Telegraph, scientists had found “inserted sections” on the virus’s surface. It had “unique fingerprints” which could not have been a result of natural evolution but likely “indicative of purposive manipulation” in a lab capable of producing “chimeric viruses of high potency”.

《每日电讯报》注意到的一篇由伦敦大学圣乔治医院的安格斯·达格利什教授和挪威病毒学家比尔格·索伦森(BirgerSørensen)合撰论文称,科学家们在病毒表面发现了“插入部分”。 它具有“独特的指纹”,这不可能是自然进化的结果,而表明可能是在能够产生“高效嵌合病毒”的实验室中的“有目的操作”。

Sir Richard said the study was a “very important contribution to a debate which is now starting about how the virus evolved and how it got out and broke out as a pandemic”.


He told the newspaper that the study will “shift the debate”, causing countries to “rethink how it treats its relationship with China and how the international community behaves towards the Chinese leadership”.


The paper has not been without controversy, with one scientist, John Fredrik Moxnes of the Norwegian military, seeking to have his name removed from it. Other members of the scientific community have dismissed the findings. The original version of the paper was not accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Academic journals had rejected it on the grounds that it was “unsuitable for publication”.

这篇论文并非没有争议,挪威军方的科学家约翰·弗雷德里克·莫克尼斯(John Fredrik Moxnes)希望将自己的名字从论文中删除。科学界有些成员对这些发现不屑一顾。该论文的最初版本未被同行评审通过发表。学术期刊拒绝了它,理由是“不宜发表”。

Sir Richard, however, suggested that this reception to the first paper may be due to its politically incorrect findings. The former spy chief revealed that the article had been rewritten several times. An earlier version, seen by the newspaper, said it was factually correct to call coronavirus the “Wuhan virus” (Wuhan having two labs studying bat coronaviruses). It had also said that they had proven “beyond reasonable doubt that the Covid-19 virus is engineered”.

不过,理查德爵士表示,第一篇论文受到这种待遇可能是由于其政治上不正确的发现所致。这位前情报领导人透露,这篇文章曾多次改写。在《每日电讯报》看到的早期版本中,文章说把冠状病毒称为 "武汉病毒"(武汉有两个研究蝙蝠冠状病毒的实验室)是与事实相符的。它还说,他们已经毫无疑问地证明,Covid-19病毒是经过改造的。

“We are aware that these findings could have political significance and raise troubling questions,” the original paper had said.


After being rewritten to reduce explicit blame on China, the paper was eventually accepted for publication in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery.


“This [the first] article was submitted to a… journal, which refused it within a week of receiving it, and in the same period accepted for publication two or three Chinese articles that relate to the virus, within 48 hours,” Sir Richard told The Telegraph’sPlanet Normal podcast published on Wednesday.

“这篇文章(初稿)投给一份给期刊,该期刊在一周内就拒绝了发表。,但同一时期,在不到48小时的时间里,该它却发表了两三个篇与病毒有关的中国文章 。理查德爵士告诉《每日电讯报》周三发布的“正常地球”播客。

“So I mean, as this debate about the virus develops, I think all this material is going to be in print and is going to embarrass a number of people, I think. Let’s suggest that the Chinese maybe have too much say in their journals, in what appears and what doesn’t.”


China has maintained that it was not responsible for the outbreak. But reports in recent months have revealed that China had deliberately destroyed evidence about the origins of the virus and “disappeared” whistleblower scientists who spoke out about coronavirus.


The coronavirus pandemic coincides with growing tensions around Hong Kong as well as the rising concern of the security risks of engaging Huawei in building the UK’s 5G.


Mr Dearlove called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to reverse his decision on Huawei, saying: “It’s important that we do not put any of our critical infrastructure in the hands of Chinese interests. So telecommunications, Huawei, nuclear power stations, and then things that, you know, we require and need in a crisis, like PPE.

迪尔洛夫呼吁英国首相鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)改变他对华为的决定。他表示:“我们不将任何关键基础设施置于中国利益的手中,这很重要。电信、华为、核电站,还有一些你知道的我们在危机中需要的东西,比如医护用品(PPE)。”

“We have allowed China so much rope that we are now suffering the consequences, and it’s time to pull the rope in and to tighten the way we do business. It’s very, very important that we keep a keen eye on this and do not allow the Chinese to, as it were, benefit strategically from this situation that has been imposed on all of us.”


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】