The best of Rich Clarkson Photography By chris Donald

Education, Training, Influences- Rich grew up in Lawrence, Kansas. Then as he went through college, Rich Clarkson went to the University of Kansas for journalism.

Early in his career he started off as recording the national championship for Kansas University in 1952. Rich also served in the Air Force as a information services officer for a couple years. Then after that he went on to go work for the Topeka-Capital-Journal where he went on to be the director of photography. This led him to get him in higher positions as a photographer. Rich Clarkson won newspaper of magazines photographer of the year. Rich does specialize in covering national and regional sports games.

Now, Rich Clarkson is a contract photographer for Sports Illustrated and runs his own photography firm. He spent some time with National Geographic as well toward his later years.

One of his most honorable awards that was received is that Rich was named as one of the most influential individuals in American Photography by American Photography Magazine. He was also inducted to the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame as well as the Basketball Hall of Fame. Rich has won many other awards as well.


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Created By
Chris Donald Jr

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