Environmental Concerns//Polluted Beaches By: rebecca pinillos

I want to talk about polluted beaches, their facts, why they are polluted and how we can work together to make the beaches clean again. :)

These are all photos of polluted sand and waters

All of this pollution can cause a huge problem for people because there have been many reports stating how polluted waters can cause many diseases. Some include stomach flu, pinkeye, hepatitis and other various bacterial infections. https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/ttw2014_Impacts_of_Beach_Pollution.pdf

This is a photo of a seal that has been harmed due to the pollution in the water

The reason this seal is in this position is because we, humans did not dispose of our waste correctly and it ended up in the ocean and inevitably reaching this poor seal. This seal could be us, but maybe even worse because if we were to swim in polluted water, we could get diseases ourselves and it's just gross to go swimming in an ocean covered in trash. http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/blue_planet/problems/pollution/

This is a photo of a polluted ocean

Polluted oceans and beaches are such a big problem that even the marine animals think the trash is a food source and the biggest source of pollution comes from the land like plastic, oil and dirt. Even when the trash is far away, it still finds a way to crawl up on our beaches and into our water. http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/various-ocean-pollution-facts.php

This is one way of helping out our beaches and keeping ourselves healthy and free from diseases. Picking up trash on a beach is one very easy, free, and simple way to help yourself, the earth, and the marine animals.

Thank you for looking at my page and making us one step closer to cleaner beaches and one less reason for diseases. :)

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