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Created in the 10th century, the Uma-Mahesvara is a sand stone sculpture of the Hindu God Shiva and his wife Uma. Specifically, the detail of the stone was overwhelming. Through the medium, and specifically, the texture and coloring of the sand stone, I recognized the aged art and it's reveleance in the 21st Century. Uma-Mahesvara emphasizes the ability of art to portray century's of commonly shared values. This artwork made me want to value historic times and people in order to gain a better understanding of the influence it has on modern day cultures.

I found the Photography Collection of the museum to be the most appealing. Specifically, the entrance of this exhibit catches your attention with the blue accent wall emphasizing an inlarged portrait. In addition the arrangement of the art posed a simple flow to the space. This exhibit is a peaceful representation of actual life experiences rather than a chaotic overwhelming feeling That is often associated with abstract pieces. The photography exhibit helped me recognize that art is a representation of what we want others to see and from a particular angle rather than a pure form of life. This idea intrigued me.


Created in the 20th Century, this face mask consists of wood, paint, fabric, and mirrors. This specific mask is from the Ibgo people in Nigeria. According to the people these masks are a manifestation of the spirit who provides guidance for the living. The idea of wearing different masks or versions of oneself is something I do not support. One of my core values is being authentically yourself no matter the setting. In contrast, I do support finding ones strength and guidance in their religion. Although I might not physically wear a mask of guidance I do believe this is an essiental factor to my personal good life.


Champ d'avoine,painted by Claude Monet, depicts the good life through the use of oil and pastels on a canvas. This painting is what I imagine my goodlife to be, brokenly beautiful. This style painting emphasizes the idea that chaos is beautiful. This resembles my life and creates an extremely relatable piece of art.

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