Diverse Classroom-Yes But How?

Social Contexts

Teaching doesn't take place in just school. Students learn from their homes, communities, national, and global interactions as well.

Teachers need to break down the curriculum and examine it.

Modify it to fit a diverse class and put it back together as new curriculum.

To be an effective diverse classroom instructor we need to keep class engaging for the students.

With students engaged in learning their academic achievement will improve.

Through engagement learning in the classroom (and outside) students will develop self-esteem and self-efficacy.

We should always be able to answer questions like: "Why is this important?"

What if we do not have the answer?

Cultural relevant teachers plan and tell students about long term academic goals.

Cultural competence helps students recognize and honor their own cultural beliefs as they acquire knowledge and access to a wider culture.

Incorporating culture into the classroom and exposing the students to the culture that is oppressive will give them the skills needed do break out of the socioeconomic status.

Sociopolitical Consciousness

Economic disparities are linked to race, class, and gender.

We have the ability as teachers to make an impact on our students that do not last just a year but a life time. We just have to decide is it going to be a positive or negative impact?


Created with images by maxlkt - "hands teamwork team-spirit" • David McKelvey - "Community Cabinet Yeronga" • Nat Friedman - "Curriculum." • WellspringCS - "Art & Writing" • stevendepolo - "I'm Smart Kent County Girls on the Run April 06, 20101" • Ms. Phoenix - "Calle 16" • haymarketrebel - "LA Homeless Alley" • jerrykimbrell10 - "smiling teacher female"

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