Inequality and Social Injustice Final Project 2016

Universal Theme: Minorities will always be oppressed with inequality and unjust treatment.

Through his stories, Steinbeck illustrates the unjust treatment of the disabled, women, and other minorities.


"'It must be nice,' she said. 'It must be very nice. I wish women could do such things.' 'It ain't the right kind of life for a woman'" (Steinbeck 6).

An example of inequality in the story Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck is the protagonist herself, Elisa Allen. In the story, all she wants to do is live her life as a happy and independent woman, but she is constantly bombarded with the stereotypical views of society that attempt to force her to assume a position in a household. She is told the life she wants to lead is the life of a man, and that she is not strong enough to do what men can do.


"The baby's flat face, along with its peculiar body, caused it automatically to be named Tularecito, Little Frog" (Steinbeck 1).

From the moment the farm workers took the baby in, they judged him by his appearance. They named him Tularecito because he look different than other people.

"While the people of the Pastures of Heaven did not believe in the diabolical origin of Tularecito, nevertheless they were uncomfortable in his presence" (Steinbeck 2).

The citizens that occupied the Pastures of Heaven ostracized Tularecito because they did not know what to think of him. People believed there was something ancient and sinister about his character, so they treated him differently than regular people.

Of Mice and Men

"' 'Cause I'm black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink to me'" (Steinbeck 68).

Inequality is shown in the novel Of Mice and Men when one of the characters, a stable buck named Crooks, is discriminated against because of his race. He could not choose the color of his skin when he was born, yet other migrant workers continuously oppress him over something he has no control of.

Real World Example

A current example of inequality and social injustice would be racism. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more African Americans received hourly pay when they were below minimum wage, versus not having hourly rates but working a minimum wage job (BLS, 1). There is still a gap between gender and race in today's society.

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