Priscilla Mullins The Faith of a Pilgrim

  • Likely born in 1602
  • Journeyed to what became Plymouth Plantation in 1620 at the age of 18
  • One of the 102 passengers aboard the Mayflower to survive the storms
  • Survived the harsh winter in Cape Cod Massachusetts
  • Lost her entire family to cold and sickness and became an orphan
  • Endured the first few years at Plymouth and married John Alden
Signing the Mayflower Compact
Plymouth Plantation
  • John Alden was...
  • A signer of the Mayflower compact
  • A leader in the colony
“…set his love on God and knew his name, God therefore gives him everlasting fame”
The "hold" under-decks is where Priscilla most likely tended to the sick

The Motivation of the Pilgrims

  • Religous Freedom
  • Freedom from the cultures in England and Holland
“…ends were good and honourable; their calling lawful & urgent; and that they might expecte the blessing of God in their proceding” (Bradford)
“…to improve our lives to do more service to the Lord: the comfort and increase of the body of Christ whereof we are members, that ourselves and posterity may be the better preserved from the common corruptions of this evil world to serve the Lord” (Winthrop)

The Pilgrims Faith Influenced Almost Every Aspect of Their Lives

  • They thanked the Lord when they arrived in America
  • They “…fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven, who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean” - Bradford
  • Priscilla and John married in "accordance with scripture"
  • They went to Church in the Fort every Sunday

Works Cited

Bradford, William, and Harold Paget. Of Plymouth Plantation: Bradford's History of the Plymouth Settlement, 1608-1650. Bulverde, TX: Mantle Ministries, 1998. Print.

"Mullins-Priscilla.", 1994. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

"Nauset and the World." Nauset and the World., 12 June 2015. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

"Religion." Mayflower, 1994. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

Schmidt, Gary D. William Bradford: Plymouth's Faithful Pilgrim. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans for Young Readers, 1999. Print.


Created with images by momsworking01 - "Mayflower" • donwhite84 - "sailor seaman mayflower" • Elsie esq. - "Mayflower" • robinhbooker0 - "history plymouth rock plymouth" • CircaSassy - "A family flight around home (1884)" • mccready - "Mayflower II" • Bob Linsdell - "Mayflower II, Water St, Plymouth (493627)"

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