Jon McCroskey Vanquisher of Dragons and Such

Once upon a time, a hillbilly stood upon a mountaintop in Gatlinburg and wondered: "Where is the meaning of life? Who am I? What is the nature of my existence?" Per usual, the hillbilly patiently gazed into the endless amazement of his homeland praying it would provide an answer. As the mountains tend to do, they spoke back and said, "Go forth and develop your virtues amongst the world, for there are many lessons that await you." The game of basketball enabled him to venture south to a not-so-magical land, known as Cleveland, Tennessee, to study at Lee University. Here at Lee, he was met by a society comprised primarily of over passionate agenda wielding Christians. They all lived in a gang known as "The Church of God." This lifestyle provided many valuable lessons, and even friends where made, but he knew deep down this place was not where he was meant to be. Sadly, with the end of this lifestyle meant the end for his basketball career as well; however, a new chapter awaited in the far east. In the east, a majestic realm known as Johnson City awaited him. Upon his arrival, the hillbilly was welcomed by familiar mountaintops and a more open minded society. Quickly, he dove into subjects of captivation such as Advertising, Public Relations, and Philosophy. Soon after, the hillbilly not only found himself wearing shoes, but also in a seat of power. He landed a great opportunity working for the Kingdom/Company of Petro's Chili & Chips, where he had full dominion over the forces and wrath known as social media!!!!

I like stacking rocks.

Dolphins are cool.

Fact: Petro's are DELICIOUS! Eat more Petro's. @petroschili

Created By
Jon McCroskey


Created with images by JordyMeow - "kyoto japan statue" • mikakaptur - "dolphin nature marine"

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