Good Life Tour of the Harn Jake Schmidt

Medium of the Art

This piece's presentation and it's location in the museum gave me a different vibe than which I would have originally had just looking at it in a book. I believe almost all of the three dimensional pieces give off a different impression when seen in person then when looked at in a picture.

Design of the museum

This area of the museum interested me highly because of its layout. It seemed very unique and it was able to highlight almost all of the exhibits without putting any other exhibits down or out of sight. The glass cases of the African tribal pieces is very cool and I enjoyed viewing it.

Art and Core Values

I chose this piece as the one to represent my core values because it represents resilience and perseverance. It represents a poem where someone is restricted from their religion but eventually is able to practice it after a while of struggling. One of my core values is resilience and I believe in not giving up and I believe this piece sparked that in me.

Art and the Good Life

I chose a depiction of Frida Kahlo as my idea of the good life because like we discussed I believe Frida Kahlo lived her ideal good life through her daily choices. She was a trendsetter and did not care what people thought about her. For her rebellious nature and free willed spirit I admire her and see her as a role model when it comes to living the good life.

Created By
Jake Schmidt

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