Australia's Great Sandy Desert Takwa Khanam Period 2

Great Sandy Desert in red

Introduction: The country that I choose is Australia.Great Sandy desert is one of the desert in Australia.The Great Sandy Desert is located across northwest and central Australia.The Great Sandy Desert is the second largest desert in Australia.The Great sandy desert’s wildlife population concentrated around lakes and wetlands, which includes some 150-200 bird species,more than 6 dozens reptile species, at least 36 mammal species and other lifeforms.

Australia's Biomes

Ecosystem and Environment: Australia is the world's smallest continent yet it has a very large and diverse range of environments and ecosystems. Some of Australia's environments include deserts in Western Australia, rain-forests in Tasmania, mountains in Victoria and coral reefs in Queensland. In each of these different environments there exists a wide variety of ecosystems.About 70 per cent of Australia is covered by deserts and arid or semi-arid landscapes. One of the desert in Australia is the Great Sandy desert.

Dingo in the Great Sandy desert

Organism: One of the Australian desert animal is Dingo.Dingo is not truly native to Australia but is thought that it was introduced to Australia by Asian seafarers about 4,000 years ago. Its origins have been traced back to a south Asian variety of Grey Wolf (Canis lupus).Dingoes can be found living in Australia and Southeast Asia, mainly Thailand.

The Australian Dingo is the endangered and threatened species near to extinction.There are no current conservation strategies for Australian Dingoes that will reduce the rate of possible extinction.

Dingoes can be found in every state in mainland Australia. Dingo's habitat ranges from desert to grasslands, rain forest, mountains, and woodlands, but they are most commonly found in the Outback: a dry inland area where very few people live.

Dingoes have different colored coats depending on where they live.

Interesting facts about Dingoes: Dingoes are up to 2 feet tall and 4 feet long. They can weigh anywhere between 21-43 pounds.Dingo’s bushy tails are 12 inches long.Male dingoes are bigger than female dingoes.The dingo kills its prey by biting the throat with its large, sharp teeth.The scientific name of Dingoes is Canis lupus.The dingo is classified as a subspecies of the grey wolf (Canis lupus).

The video below shows some domesticated dingoes displaying their natural digging behavior.



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