The US Fish and Wildlife Service Ambassador Program Connections 101

What is an ambassador? The word “ambassador” has a few different meanings. Just so that we’re all on the same page, let’s define it.

We’re not talking about what many people first think of when they hear the word: an official envoy; or especially a diplomatic agent accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign or appointed for a diplomatic assignment.

For our purposes, the word “ambassador” simply means an authorized representative or messenger; someone who can build positive relationships between the FWS and our customers - the American public.

There are three main parts of the FWS Ambassador Program: a sustained and consistent culture of excellence in:

  • Customer Service
  • Professional communication and messaging
  • Agency representation (i.e., a brand ambassador)

Depending on the situation, you might address all three components in equal measure, or one or two elements could take precedence. But to be effective ambassadors for your agency it’s important to recognize the primary parts of the equation.

If you work for, or on behalf of, the USFWS, you probably believe in and support the agency’s wildlife and habitat conservation mission. Having an agency of Ambassadors makes it easier to accomplish our mission.

Developing skills as an ambassador also benefits the FWS workforce. We can’t complete our mission without public understanding and the support of our coworkers. Improving relationships with all of our customers enables us to reach not only agency goals, but can help us succeed at more local levels, such as at our offices and field stations, and in our communities. And last but not least, being good ambassadors can help us as individuals succeed at our jobs.

Simply put, being a good Ambassador will help you, the FWS, and all Americans. Everyone benefits. Cultivating relationships, and enhancing your agency’s image and reputation give all of us a better chance to be successful at conserving the nature of America.

Simply put, being a good Ambassador will help you, the FWS, and all Americans. Everyone benefits. Cultivating relationships, and enhancing your agency’s image and reputation give all of us a better chance to be successful at conserving the nature of America.

Who exactly are FWS Ambassadors?

They’re the thousands of volunteers working on our behalf. The hundreds of dedicated Friends groups that support the work we do throughout the country. The many partners and contractors that contribute in important ways to our goals and objectives. And they’re the diverse temporary, term, student, part-time, and full-time employees at every one of our offices and field stations, working behind the scenes and on the front lines for conservation. We’re all ambassadors – for the offices we work in, the agency we work for, and the people we work with.

As a representative of the USFWS, you have the opportunity to enhance relationships with many audiences. People that might better understand and appreciate the work your agency does for the benefit of all Americans. People that will support our efforts to conserve the nature of the United States. As an ambassador, you are empowered to do all of this, and more.

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