Lipids [Fats] By Kyle Anderson

Lipids are molecules that can be extracted from plants and animals using nonpolar solvents such as ether, chloroform and acetone.

Lipids are biological molecules that are insoluble in water, but are soluble in non-polar solvents, meaning that they are non-polar molecules. The lipids we're most familiar with are probably dietary fats.

Lipids fall under the categories of glycerol or steroid

Lipids were discovered in 1854 when Berthlot M combined glycerol with fatty acids

You have many different types of lipids in your body including fats, oils, waxes and steroids.

Your body uses fats as a supply and store of energy: a gram of fat contains more than double the amount of energy present in a gram of carbohydrate. The steroids in your body include some hormones. Other lipids make up the outer layer of all your cells, and the fatty sheaths that insulate nerve fibres.

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