History Chapt 10 lesson 9

Currency: something, such as coins or paper money, that is used as a medium of exchange.
Censor: on official who watches others for correct behavior.
Acupuncture: originally, a Chinese practice of inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to treat disease.
Civil service: the administrative service of a government.
Tenant farmer: a farmer who works land owned by someone else and pays rent in cash or as a share of the crop.
The end


Created with images by Ian Sane - "Streaming Through Autumn" • PublicDomainPictures - "chinese currency money" • RitaE - "tree blossom bloom" • Anderson Mancini - "Sewing needle" • paularps - "Temple of heaven (Beijing, China 2006)" • illustir - "Mountains" • 3dman_eu - "yangtze river jiujiang gorge"

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