immiagration by bryan moncada

Immigration is when people go to other places to find somthing.Now that we have president Donald Trump.He has his main target Mexicans. He is separating alot of familys. Thats why it thisntime immigration is na big deal.But back in the days people didnt have to passaports visas or anything to go over a border.the place at an airport or country's border where government officials check the documents of people entering that country.50 years ago people didnt care about immiagrents because thire wasent that much crisis and donald trump.The only thing that was bad was Cesar Chavez thingor freedoms will this group of people be able to experience? Mayby theres another preisedent and does allow people from another state to come for good things.they come like for new lives aqnd money so they can support there own families.protestors.they help the presdint of the us understand is not good to deportate people or seaparate people from there families


Created with images by jonathan mcintosh - "Mural in Del Rio" • Howdy, I'm H. Michael Karshis - "Umpa Lumpa Drumpf" • Gruenemann - "Altar for Cesar Chavez"

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