University IT Portal User Guide

Log In to the System


Log in with your University User ID and password and click Sign In

Home Page

When you log in you will view the portal, where you can create a new incident, find an appropriate service, search our useful articles, view your requests and update them.


These are pre-formatted requests that ask you to provide specific information relating to your query. Check the top ten requests, then check out the services tab as we may already have a service that will cover the issue you want to log.

Have a look at the Popular service items, if you find an item that covers your request, click it, if not click Services, where you will find a more extensive menu.
Look through the different categories to find a service that covers your request.
You will notice the service request asks specific question that relate to the service request and will help us to provide the service you require.

Log an incident

If you can't find a service request that covers your request, click on New Incident or Create New Incident
To create an incident, we need you to fill in the following detail, a title for the job, a description for the job, please provide as much detail as possible. We then ask you to enter your building, site, your preferred priority and department. These help us to allocate your job to the most appropriate support technician.

Useful Articles

On the home page you will find our top10 most useful articles, however, if you can not find the information you need here, click on the Useful Articles tab where your will see a more substantial list of articles.
If you still can't find the information you are looking for, enter what you are looking for in the search box
Here I have searched for account and there are 19 items found, including services and articles. Simply click on the item that is of most relevance and you can read more details or create a service request.

My requests

Under My request you will find any jobs you have logged. Simply click on an item and you can add further comments to the request.

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