Fruits and veggies Tatum Day

The answer will tell me the of the watermelon and the carrots.

I know that the fruits weigh 9.12kg and that the veggies weigh 7.87kg.

in my work I added 2.70 plus 1.07 to see how many I need to subtract from 9.12 and I added 4.50 plus 1.12 to see how many I need to subtract from 7.87 so then I subtracted 9.12 minus 3.77 to get the weight of the watermelon then I subtracted 7.87 minus 5.62 to get the weight of the carrot the watermelon weighed 5.35kg and the carrot weighed 2.25kg.

for my justification I added 5.62 plus 2.25 to check the veggies and I added 5.35 plus 3.77 to check the fruits.

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