Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH BY SIHAN ZOU

The Jaws and The Mastodon

To be completely honest, I always have a kind of obsession with fossils, because they are not only a memorable symbol of history, but also a perfect object that we can learn so many things from. As a result, the Jaws and the Mastodon are the most appealing exhibits for me. They are too huge to be ignored. By looking through the introduction of these two exhibits, I learn that almost all of those sharks species are extinct, so seeing them here in the museum makes me feel so lucky and honorable. Besides, the Fossil of the mastodon is found from the bottom of the Aucilla River in the Florida panhandle.

At the butterfly rainforest

Before I go to the museum of natural history, I did realize the relationship between the nature and human being, and the necessity of appreciating the nature with our love and respect. However, when I step into the butterfly rainforest, I truly find out the real greatness and beauty of the nature. I am astonished by the scene on the screen created by thousands of butterflies. It is a huge miracle that I can barely describe with my own words. Except for me, the other visitors are also as excited as me when they look at the grand sight of butterfly rainforest. I also learn that African Swallowtail leads to a remedy of certain human diseases and is helpful to save thousands of lives. This fact make me further appreciate the nature for all the magical things it creates. It is our responsibility to maintain harmony between the nature and the human race. Otherwise, It would be retribution.

The Magical Midden

I never thought that a pile of midden could surprise me a lot. Midden means garbage, somethings that seem to be useless. However, there are so many things unexpected that are hidden in the midden. That is why I think that the nature is so powerful that it can help us better understand who we really are. A very simple example to clarify the miraculous power that midden has. As can be seen in the picture on the right, everything remains from middens can reveal the season in which people harvested their food. In another word, middens can provide a large number of evidences to help us explore the world. Isn't it amazing? The mystery and the majesty of nature is right in front of my eyes. It is so inconspicuous but so significant.

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