Nature Activity at FLMNH Alexa Campbell

Nature on Display


The Butterfly Rainforest was really interesting to me, mostly because I'd never experienced anything like it before. Once I walked inside it was completely different than the museum building; the bright flowers and many plants made it seem like we were in a whole new climate. I learned more about the habit of butterflies by watching them flit around reacting to their environment than I would've learned by reading about it. I was in awe as we walked around trying to spot all the different kinds of butterflies, big and small.

There was a defined path through the exhibit, making it easy to spot butterflies that landed on the trees. I especially liked that they had wooden bridges too, not just sidewalks, making the area more aesthetically pleasing.
I was a little bummed when no butterflies landed on me (since my friends had told me stories about some landing on them) but I was excited to get close enough to one to take a picture.

Nature and Ethics

Exhibit about Energy Conservation (and consciousness)

I really identified with this exhibit because I think, as people, we are wasteful of our earth's resources. If we are more conscious about the effect we have on the earth, we can work together to save our nonrenewable resources and combat against climate change. The shape of this exhibit drew me in when it looked like a child's play house, but written on the "appliances" were facts about climate change and ways we can use less energy. It was an interesting change of pace, especially because it had an interactive section (like the one above) as well as a comparison of different kinds of lightbulbs.

Walking around this house was a cool way to present how we can improve our ecological footprint.
We have the power and the ethical responsibility to not destroy our only planet.
The multitude of colorful graphics kept the exhibit interesting while teaching us about our energy usage.

Nature and the human spirit

I found this exhibit about caves to be really mysterious and interesting. I love how they barely lit this area to give it a more authentic feel. I think because caves and anything underground really aren't a part of our daily lives, they are more unfamiliar and thus more mysterious. However when we look into them, we see the beauty of stalagmites and the water that helped form them which create a majestic view, though often under appreciated.

In Florida, we don't have a ton of opportunities to view caves, which makes this exhibit even more interesting. When we appreciate and research things we aren't familiar with, we become more well rounded in ur education.


Created with images by ChrisA1995 - "Nature"

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