Modernism BY: CJ, Alex, Dayanara, & Max

Time Period

19th & 20th Century

Modernist Art

Picasso: Most famous for his cubism artwork
Edouard Manet: Originally painted realist art but then changed
Jean-Paul Laurens: French painter and sculptor, and one of the last major exponents of the French Academic style.

Modernist Music

Louis Armstrong: American Trumpeter
Elvis Presley: "King of Rock"

Modernist Literature

Joseph Conrad: Polish-British writing who is regarded as one of the greatest novelist to write in the English language
F. Scott Fitzgerald: Novelist and a short story writer
Thomas Stearns Eliot: British Playwrighter


Created with images by pedrosimoes7 - "Still-Life of the objects (1913) - Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso (1897-2018)" • paulsimpson1976 - "19th Century map of Europe" • pedrosimoes7 - "Réfoulement/Depression/Recalcamento (António Pedro, 1936)" • irinaraquel - "Édouard Manet - Madame Manet at Bellevue" • pedrosimoes7 - "Le café de la marine (1925) - Pierre Roy (1880 - 1950)" • ky_olsen - "Louis Armstrong, Aquarium, New York, N.Y., ca. July 1946 2" • Luiz Fernando Reis MMF - "Elvis Presley show 02" • Ben Sutherland - "Joseph Conrad drawing and books" • yoppy - "The Great Gatsby" • cdrummbks - "t.s. eliot"

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