Globe Theater Bryan Sou period 4

William's Shakespeare statue. Shakespeare was a great writer and had many fans in history.
This was the Globe Theater where Shakespeare wrote about many stories.
This is where they would watch the plays.
This was the view from the top.
In the Globe Theater, there was many history and important objects.
The Theater had many pictures or designs in which it shows the history.
They had big gates for no intruders.
The Globe Theater toke many years to build, to prove look at the art.
This is how it would look like during a play.


Created with images by marybettiniblank - "globe london theatre" • MikeBird - "william shakespeare statue shakespeare" • kevinofsydney - "the globe theatre" • SuButcher - "Globe Theatre in the interval" • pcambraf - "Globe Theatre" • pcambraf - "Globe Theatre" • redheaded_pirate - "Shakespeare's Globe Theatre" • p_a_h - "The Globe Theatre" • brianteutsch - "Old Globe Theatre" • whatleydude - "Robbie @ The Globe"

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