Egg Drop Janiyah R. & Amari W. December 13, 2016. Period:3A

The purpose of this experiment is help us understand momentum as it relates to mass and velocity and inertia of moving objects. We were asked to design an experiment in which can keep an egg secure from damage, no matter where the device it is dropped from.

This device 5 inches tall, and is cylderically shaped.

To make sure the egg was secure we wrapped it in bubble wrap before placing it into the container filled with peanut buttter. Then we screwed the cap back on so that the egg wouldn't fall out.

1000 kg (13.4m/s)= 13,400 kg•m/s

8.2kg•m/s: 0.58 kg = 141.1

13,400kg•m/s: 60 kg =223.3

The impact of the car and person is more devastating than that of the egg and its container, because it has a greater mass.

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