Favorite YouTubers EVER!!!! Natalie roosa

Ever since my best friend, Tashay, showed me their videos i've been hooked. I can't get over how amazing they are. They seem to be the world's most perfect people.

This is Grayson, he is the younger twin. Don't let his serious act fool you, he is a total goofball.

People call me obsessed, and I have to say that I really do like to watch their videos. I recently printed calendar pictures for my friend and me. The picture of Grayson is the April Shot.

This is Ethan, he is my favorite twin. I mean I love them both, but my friend has her heart on Grayson, so I'm an Ethan fan. Not that I'm complaining.
See, total goofballs. I wish me Tashay and me would start to do some of these videos, we do some really dumb stuff together.

I remember we were babysitting and when the kids went to sleep, we snuck into the kitchen and did the egg and cinnamon challenge. I have to say at the time it seemed really fun and smart. But now that I look back at it, yah not so much. Well thanks for reading. Don't know if you can comment, but if you can, do please.

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