Edgar Allan Poe by qua'neijeh cobin

  1. he was a literary trailblazer
  2. he was prolific
  3. poetry & pen ran in the Poe family
  4. he may have invented the art of snarky
  5. his death was as enigmatic as his work


Created with images by Wonderlane - "Happy Valentine's Day Edgar Allan Poe, love and death, Gargoyle, U District, Seattle, Washington, USA" • State Library of South Australia - "Theatre Royal, Hindley Street, Adelaide, 1874" • theNerdPatrol - "the tell tale heart" • Design By Zouny - "Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."" • QuotesEverlasting - "''Thank Heaven! the crisis --The danger, is past, and the lingering illness, is over at last --, and the fever called Living is conquered at last.'' - Edgar Allan Poe"

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