
Ethics and Audience


"the study of principles of conduct that apply to an individual or group" - Markel, pg. 18

  • Rights - basic needs and welfare
  • Justice - how the costs and benefits of an action or a policy are distributed among a group
  • Utility - the positive and negative effects that an action or a policy has, will have, or might have on others
  • Care - the relationships we have with other individuals (Markel, pg. 19)

Ehthical Obligations

  • To Your Employer
  • To the Public
  • To the Environment

Legal Obligations

  • Copyright Law
  • Trademark Law
  • Contract Law
  • Liability Law

Social Media

Markel pg. 33 - 34

Technical Documents and Manuals

Audience and Purpose

  1. Analyze Audience
  2. Analyze Purpose
  3. Choose a Tool
  4. Brainstorm/Invention (Generate Ideas)
  5. Research
  6. Outline and Organize
  7. Application, Design, and Delivery Method
  8. Schedule & Budget


Created with an image by Teemu Paananen - "untitled image"

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