How Schools Will Change Group 13

Technology is an important aspect of our society which has and will always be important in shaping the ways we think, communicate and learn. We can predict that in the next 50 years here will be more key developments in technology that prove to be vital to the lifestyle of future generations. Education could become more accessible, technology-focused, and even the subjects taught or things taught within those üsubjects may change.

As technology progresses, children in even the poorest or most isolated areas could be able to gain sufficient knowledge to forge a career for themselves, through inexpensive products that allows them to communicate with teachers and other students around the world. In fact, it’s possible that going to school will become less common as the years progress, and instead students will communicate using online resources. Consequently, students could be exposed to a wide array of people from different cultures, leading to a more accepting and culturally aware generation. It is also very much possible that the majority of teachers have been replaced by AI. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. AI programs could allow for more discussion of different viewpoints and unbiased perspectives without the worry of low-quality teachers negatively impacting somebody’s education. Artificial instructors would have instant access to a vast amount of data and knowledge, and if used correctly could ensure that children benefit from school not just in getting marks or grades, but in working and coping as an adult. Since classes are no longer limited by geographical location, students are much more exposed, and connectivity would allow students who have similar interests and ways of learning to to interact and work together. predicts that due to an incredibly increased access to education in even third-world countries, illiteracy has fallen below 1%. While this may seem like hopeful thinking, it is entirely possible if technology continues to advance at the same rate that it has in the past and even now.

Traditionally, schools will have set classes at set times, and entire classes of students, each one with a unique mind and way of thinking, are expected to learn at the same pace using the same methods. This presents many problems, as advanced students are often held back and slow students left behind. However, it is believed that the future could hold a more flexible way of learning, with students being put with people similar to them to increase productivity, as well as education being much more tailored to a student’s needs. This go-at-your-own-pace kind of learning allows all students to learn without limits.

In conclusion, education will change greatly in the next 50 years, probably becoming much more reliant on technology, as well as become flexible and unique to suit each individual’s needs.

Created By
Ella-Blu Medich

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