Gowan Pamplet's Photo Journal By: Steve Yang


A lead line

The lead line was used in the voyage to Jamestown and is still used today, where a piece of lead is attached to a rope with knots. This is used for measuring the depth of a particular place. You just throw the rope in to the water, than see measure the part that is wet, in this case, about 14 feet. The British introduced and used this tool.

Musket shooting

This exhibit demonstrates the power of the match lock musket. This musket was used to fight or defend from Native incursions. It can shoot to ranges up to 100 feet. It takes about two hours to learn how to fire. It takes 30 seconds to load this gun. The idea behind it is to kindle a small fire to ignite the gun powder, thus creating a small explosion in the barrel, forcing the lead bullet to exit the barrel at a high velocity (about 900 feet per second) to it's intended target.


The Whythe House is one of the 88 original buildings from the 18th century.

The Whythe House is owned by George Whythe. He was the first professor of law at the college of William and Mary. I know him because one day, I was walking along the Duke of Gloucester Road, I saw him introducing himself to the famed lawyer, George Washington. He was also the teacher of Thomas Jefferson. I would not visit him because although he freed all his enslaved persons later, he is highly respected and rich. This house also served as the headquarters for George Washington during the last major battle of the revolution, the battle of Yorktown.

The Kitchen is where I would spend most of my time in as a tavern worker.

This is the kitchen, and during my days as an enslaved person, I worked here a lot, as I was once a tavern worker. One night I was kept in the kitchen for the whole night, and this is my experience there. I would have spent a lot of time here, bringing the food back and forth from the bar and the kitchen.

The Whythe Dining room is my favorite room in the home.

My favorite place in this house is the dining room because there are a lot of beautiful chinas on display and furniture. It is also the meeting place of many different kinds of foods from around the world. One time, Mistress Jane Vobe took me to dinner in the Whythe this room. It was magnificent! Lighted candles shone like stars, and the aroma of food wafted into my nose.

The blacksmith is a very dirty place, but produces important items.

I remember clearly the day when some of Ms.Vobe's drunk customers at the King Arm's tavern broke some candle stands, and I had to go to the blacksmiths and place an order to repair them. When I entered the blacksmith shop, I noticed it was very dirty, with soot on the walls, and it smelled of grease. The blacksmith makes tools, weapons, home supplies, horseshoes, and nails. You would order items by coming there with an intention, either to fix or buy, then place an order. People usually come to the blacksmith if the shops don't have the item they want.

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