Heracles By: Andrew Page

Heracles is the strongest of all mortals and even stronger than many of the gods. He is the last mortal son of Zeus. Heracles had a lack of intelligence and Wisdom. Many of his great deeds have happened when he is being careless or is angry. Once He tried to shoot the sun with his bow when it was too hot outside. He can be a very brutal and Violent man. His weapon of choice is a big wooden club and his garment is a lion skin with the head still attached. He created most of his problems with all the other gods (Greek Mythology)

Heracles is known for his Courage self confidence and strength. He was deemed the strongest man on earth.and was considered unpredictable and crazy because he was driven mad by Hera the wife of Zeus. (Reference)

The Ancient Greeks Valued strength and Heracles was very strong but what is bad is that hi isn't to wise and can make bad decisions with that strength, like when he tried shooting the sun with his bow and got in trouble. (Greek Mythology)

“Heracles.” GreekMythology, www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Heroes/Heracles/heracles.html.

Heracles is better than all of the other gods and heroes because he is the strongest and can beat anyone. But one downside to him is that he is not the brightest of them all.


Created with images by Chiara Marra - "Agrigento-Temples Valley #18" • Μanu - "Temple of Heracles" • Klearchos Kapoutsis - "Heracles Artagnes Ares" • Mark B. Schlemmer - "Prague MAR2013 National Gallery Bourdelle Heracles (The Archer) 1909"

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