About meeeeeeeeeeee (Nina jasper) if you couldnt tell :)

Hi, Name is Nina Jasper. Haha lol I bet u figured that out by now. I love dogs. Seriously like more than anyone to ever walk the planet. That's a really important part of me ,Dogs. My family story is was too long and private to share so I'm going to say this: one day my mom gave birth to the most beautiful baby ever, me. My parents split when I was 3, I got da best dog ever ,ruffy, moved to texas when I was 8, got chickens in 6-7 grade 1 died of dehydration 3 died from a wild animal… That leaves none….. Somewhere along we got my dog Lilly and I had a fish named mr. Cuddles… He died in a day…. I'm starting to think I'm a horrible pet owner. Well I love animals so much though. I play the piano and viola. I'm not much of a sporty person but I enjoy swimming and competitive netflix's watching! I'm probably the biggest chicken you will ever met but I'm obsessed with paranormal stuff. I’m a strong Christian † <~~ that's important because I try to live life like how god wants me to *makes you think I'm so amazing* GO OREGON DUCKS EVEN THOUGH I DON'T LIKE SPORTS

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