Potatoes THe essence of the potato

The potato is a wonderful creation that is not only a side dish, but also a main meal. Potatoes are even so great because they can be easily prepared! It has also been used throughout the ages transformed and mixed into many dishes from Aligot Soup, Fish and chips, to french fries and mash potatoes.
The potato has also been morphed, changed, and seasoned to created chips. It has become a top seller grossing over $1 billion dollars yearly. Lays potato chips have made many flavors including Wasabi Ginger or Lime. Their unique flavor combinations has made them one of the most desired chips in the world!

Click Here to See more Lays potato chips!

The potato is also sold in many restaurants as an appetizer ranging from potato skins, mashed potatoes, to french fries. Restaurants make many delicous creations also with main course meals! For example, shepherd's pie or potato scallops!
The book,"A Modest Proposal", has also based the plot off of potatoes. The story is told to prevent the potato famine and help parents have their children not burden them they are used in a new manner. Children in the books would be fattened up, sold, and eaten by the rich so the poor could have a taste of what it was to be rich during a famine. This process would cause to fix political, social, and economic problems. In which husbands would treat their wives better and parents to see their children in a new light.

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To conclude with, potatoes are a wonderful crop that are incredibly useful. They are absolutely delicious and great with many foods. Without potatoes many great foods today could not have been created and cause such great growth for companies
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Created with images by adactio - "Potatoes" • PublicDomainPictures - "brown close-up food" • JeepersMedia - "Lays Potato Chip Contest Winners 2015, "Do Us a Flavor", Walmart Exclusive Winner Package, 3/2015, by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Lays #Potato #Chips #Flavor #Contest" • Vegan Feast Catering - "Potato Pancakes and Raspberry Apple Sauce"

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