The "Fab Four" (John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Gorge Harrison, and Ringo Starr) were The Beatles in 1967.

In 1967 The Beatles released there 9th album The White Album. The most popular song on this album was Back In The U.S.S.R.

Another album that was in this time was Revolver. This Album had a very popular song called Eleanor Rigby.

John Lennon was a singer-songwriter for the Beatles. He was the Guitarist from 1960-1969. He was assisted in 1980.

Paul McCartney was a singer-songwriter for the Beatles. was the Bass from 1960-1970. Paul McCartney is still alive today.

John Harrison was the Beatles Lead Guitarist. He was in the Beatles from 1960-1970. He died in 2001.

Ringo Starr was a musician in the Beatles. He was the Drummer in The Beatles. He was in the Beatles for 1962-1970. Ring is still alive today.

The Beatles were a pop sensation! They changes many peoples visions of music. This put an effect on music even still today. The Beatles are one of the greatest bands of all time.

Created By
Bella Eaton


Created with images by Luiz Fernando Reis MMF - "Beatles cor 31" • bazzadarambler - "John Lennon in Meyrick Park, Bournemouth." • darkmoon1968 - "sir paul mccartney concert esprit arena" • stanrandom - "bootleg beatles - john" • nico7martin - "Ringo Starr" • Raven Vasquez - "The Beatles"

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